Let me Pitch My Business Idea to You

Hello everyone!

As you know, I've been in the Founder Institute Core Program for a few months, building my business idea. I won't say it's finalized yet, but I think the time has come for me to let you all know what exactly I am trying to do.

In collaboration with TMC, I am founding a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) called TMC Insight Labs for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to help them adopt technology. My business is starting with 3 applications:

  • Mailchimp for Email Marketing
  • Wave for Bookkeeping / Accounting
  • Wrike for Project Management and Delegation of Tasks

I'm starting with these three tools because I believe they provide the best value for money, in solving the problems that they do. We use all of them in my company, and I want to bring the value they deliver, to businesses like yours. But I don't intend to stop there, as I identify more valuable solutions and learn how to use them, I will provide training and onboarding for companies looking for my services.

I am also looking at providing done-for-you solutions where I implement and also manage the apps for you to help you achieve your goals. For example, running marketing campaigns on your behalf instead/ or in addition to training you to use the apps yourself. That's the idea so far. If this sounds good to you, leave me a comment so that I know that I am on the right track.

Below is a brief 1-minute pitch that you can share with anybody, to give them an idea of the enterprise.

TMC Insight Labs 1-Minute Pitch