'Twas the Season

Merry Christmas everyone! And to each a Happy New Year! Sorry it's belated, but I was busy writing something else on New Year's eve and didn't get round to posting this December edition. In truth, I hadn't even finished writing it by then. 'Twas the season, and I was in the mood to relax and be merry. Writing The Red String just wasn't that appealing at all.

This year, or should I say last year? I spent my Christmas and New Year's in the big apple with my aunty Sade and her family. For those of you who don't know, aunty Sade is our editor Simi's mother and also the mystery reader who introduced me to the Game of Thrones Series. Thus for Christmas, I gave her the prince of nothing series in return. Fitting isn't it?

I had a wonderful time with them and in about 20 minutes I will be boarding a train back to Philadelphia. Needless to say, it will be back to the grind when I return, and I'm looking forward to being productive. I hope your celebrations were wonderful and that you also, are ready to return to work. Read on to find out how my 2011 ended, and my 2012 began.