Fumetsu no Anata E

My Anime recommendation for this month is a bit of an oddball. It doesn't fall strictly into any category, but if I had to categorize it strictly, I would call it an adventure story.
Fumetsu no Anata E or in English "To your Eternity," follows the life of a particular being, born as a sphere in the tundra that is the arctic. This sphere is first of all immortal, and second of all, able to take on the nature of those it meets. So while it is born as a lifeless sphere, it soon takes on the nature of a nearby rock, and then after some passage of time, of the moss that grows on the rock, and then eventually (as fate would have it) of a wolf that dies near it.
Having taken on the nature of a wolf it gains the ability to move, and all the liberties and constraints that come with being an animal. However, it doesn't know what to do or how to sustain itself so it wanders around aimlessly until it thankfully stumbles upon a human. And not just any human, but the boy who kept the deceased wolf as a pet.
Now with "his owner," the wolf has company and a partner who takes care of him. Through the boy, the wolf comes to understand hunger and eating and the boy shares many stories of the other people he used to live with before they went off in search of greener pastures. The boy and the wolf spend a long time together until eventually, they decide to go off in search of the boy's previous companions.
Thus begins the nameless being's journey to experience the rest of the world.
This anime is interesting because it presents a fresh look at the world from unsullied eyes. Over the course of its journey, the being gets to learn about humanity, emotions, philosophies and more. And it grows to develop its own views of the world, just as the world forms opinions about it.
The whole interplay between having zero experience with everything, and learning stuff the hard way, makes this anime an interesting watch. Of course, the nameless being comes to be named, develop a personality, and even a preferred nature through its interactions with others. All this makes for a good series in my opinion. And I am particularly fond of the fact that it is like a whole new experience on its own.
Do check it out, and let me know what you think.