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How I've been since February 2024

I know I have been quiet since my February article, so I apologize. But a lot has happened and I want to update you. So take a chill pill and read along.
How I've been since February 2024

Dear readers,

I know I have been quiet since my February article, and for that, I apologize. But a lot has happened since then and even before then that I've wanted to write updates about. It has been my challenge that every time I want to sit down to write, something new crops up.

First of all, I want to want to remember my grand uncle Bisi Mabogunje who died late last year and was buried on January 20th. He was my Grandfather's brother, an Engineer, and a former employee of NEPA, back in the old days when we didn't know to Never Expect Power Always.

While I wasn't particularly close to him, his funeral brought all his children and some of his grandchildren back home to celebrate and mourn his passing in old age. Which gave me a chance to connect with his branch of the family. You know how you don't all see yourselves in big families until a big family event brings you together. It was kind of like that for me. So I resolved to make more of an effort to be in touch with my cousins this year.

Next, I am happy to announce that I have finally completed my Google Digital Marketing and E-commerce Professional Certificate and am thus certified to engage in that work area. It took me about 8 months to complete the 7 or so courses that make up the Professional Certificate but I think it was a worthwhile investment.

Similarly, I have officially started my new business (TMC Insight Labs), and have landed my first client, Shelter Origins. I will be working with them over the next few months to improve their Social Media presence and land more paying clients. I look forward to delivering on my business promise as I work to achieve their organizational goals. If you need, or know anyone who needs help with their Digital Marketing, feel free to contact me, and we can discuss modalities.

Lastly, I want to give a shout-out to Ms. Bimbo Azeh of Mona Matthews who came out to give my AEP 128 group a talk on Communications when we had our quarterly meeting. This is the group of students who graduated from my class of Fate Foundation's Aspiring Entrepreneurs Programme. We resolved to stick together post-graduation and meet regularly to see how we can learn from each other and also learn from an external speaker once a quarter.

The combination of all these activities made my first quarter an eventful one, and I look forward to what Q2 has in store.