My People, My Tribe

My people, I am currently reading a book about "my people" (my ethnic group). The book is called The History of the Yorubas, and I am sure that when I finish reading it, I will share my thoughts on it here with you all. But as I settled down to read this book, a realization dawned on me about this blog/newsletter...
I realized that without thinking about it, all this time, I had already been writing letters to "my people". My personal tribe:- My family. My friends. My acquaintances. And those who share my interests. All this time (and its been about a decade), I had been reaching out through The Red String to anyone and everyone who appreciates me, or some facet of me.
It blows my mind, that its taken me roughly 10 years to realize, that The Red String is all about connecting with my (virtual) tribe! If you like the what I put out here, then I believe that there is a good chance that we will get along in real life. But that's beside the point. The point is, that you people, are my people... and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for joining me on my written adventures.