Yay! I Got Into the Founder Institute Core Program

Hello everyone! I've got some great news.
Earlier this month I was accepted into the Founder Institute Core program to work on my business idea. First off, I am sure that you are wondering, what is the Founder Institute? Taken straight from their website...
The Founder Institute is the world’s most proven network to turn ideas into fundable startups, and startups into global businesses. Since 2009, our structured accelerator programs have helped over 6,500 entrepreneurs raise over $1.75BN in funding. Based in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 95 countries, our mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.
So yeah, they're kind of a big deal.
And Second of all, I'm also sure that you're wondering what my business Idea is. I'll try to summarize it, but forgive me if I don't capture everything. The idea is still in the works, you see.
So my idea is to found a company that focuses on helping SMEs to leverage technology to digitize and digitalize their operations, thereby improving their efficiency and effectiveness. But it doesn't stop there. I also mean to provide a co-working space where companies can work on their businesses and access necessary services like high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and research data. The vision is:
To catalyze the emergence of sustainable, growth-oriented, technology-driven enterprises in Nigeria (and potentially any country on the dark side of the digital divide)
At least, that's how the idea is currently formed in my head. There is even more to it though, but I don't want to bore you with the details of my budding idea. Because I expect that a lot may change as I go through this program.
Anyway, yesterday was orientation, and I got to meet some of my fellow founders and mentors and directors of the program, including the FI staff. We were introduced to the different aspects of the program, and given advice on how to make the most of this opportunity. I was particularly struck by the emphasis on networking. Network with your peers, your mentors, and local leaders to get the most out of them.
I know that this program is going to force me out of my comfort zone and develop my entrepreneurial ability. I'm excited to do it, and at least for the moment, I am looking forward to the challenge. They have told us that this is one of the rawest, most intense, programs out there, and pretty soon I will be breathing, eating, and dreaming FI. So this excitement may be short-lived. But until it becomes so, let me relish the excitement I'm feeling right now.
Here's to the next 15 weeks of entrepreneurial learning. Cheers to the Founder Institute! 🥂