Ember by S.G. Prince

With Ember now off my to-read list, and safely tucked away in the read shelf of my digital library, I have finally completed my reading of The Elvish Trilogy by S.G. Prince.
As concluding novels go, this book was a bit of a rollercoaster. So many things happened to the main characters of the story that had me roaring through the pages of this book. Where, the last book, Elder, had me feeling kind of lukewarm, this book, kept me on the edge of my seat. Definitely the kind of book one would call a page-turner.
From calamity to deceit, love to betrayals and assassinations, this book had a bit of everything. In fact, I am not so sure I can attribute all that to just this book. Sure, the middle book, Elder, was less exciting than the beginning, but it setup all the groundwork for this conclusion to be what it was: Exciting!
So it is with my heart still pounding in my chest, that I say goodnight and goodbye to The Elvish Trilogy: Elvish, Elder, and Ember.