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Happy Birthday TRS

Happy Birthday TRS

This month TRS celebrates its 1st birthday. A year ago I sent out that very first Pilot Edition to which so many of you responded positively, and since then we've come a long way. We became a blog, attracted contributing authors, went through a couple of re-designs, got an editor, got on Facebook, and most of all we grew closer - and we grew together.

In a year we have generated *over 150 articles from 7 different authors. We've talked about friends, books, relationships, technology... and even a little something called Japanese anime. We've had short stories, and great experiences, and of course like everything else in life we've had bad ones too.

So this month, rather than have an ordinary 12th knot that focuses on August, we will be looking back on the year past and highlighting some of our favourite articles across the board - and that's what makes this edition special. For it is our first collector's edition. If you've not been keeping up with the monthlies then this edition has you covered. It is our little way of celebrating ourselves - and celebrating you.