R.I.P Jerry LaVigne Jr.

No, no. No one died... at least not yet. Jerry LaVigne Jr. is an Internet personality I've been seeing a lot of recently. He believes that most artists are not appreciated until they are dead and so he signs all his videos off with an R.I.P.
Now although he is not dead, you might find yourself dying of laughter while watching his videos. Jerry has talked about topics from How to cheat on your girl to Reasons women go to the club. His raw, I don't give a shit attitude is hilarious to watch and hear, and sometimes most of the time, he tells it just like it is.
He also does some amazing sketches and while I know not what he does for a living, I do know that if it's not comedy, it really should be. Jerry is on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and if you haven't checked him out yet, I suggest you do so right now!
My personal favourite video is Don't chase women!