So... I dropped out of the Founder Institute Core Program. What Next?

Hello Hello everyone,
So, I've got some slightly disappointing yet somewhat liberating news for you all. The disappointing part is that I've now officially dropped out of the Founder Institute Program :'( But the liberating part is that now that I'm no longer under the gun with back-to-back assignments and pitches and things, I'm free to take the things I've learned so far and implement them at my own pace.
Of course, I'm sure that you are wondering why I dropped out. Was it the pressure? Was it the pace? What could have made Damola give up? Well, I am happy to tell you that it was none of those things. The Founder Institute Core Program was great while it lasted. But then we got to week 7... the Legal and Equity Sprint. And it was time to sign some legally binding agreements (actually just one document - with many stipulations in it), and myself and my board were not comfortable with some of them.
As the document was effectively non-negotiable, we decided to walk away from the program, rather than agree to it and hope for the best. We didn't want to be caught in an uncomfortable position down the road. But just to disabuse your minds of any impropriety, let me say that the agreement wasn't horrible. It made perfect sense looking at it from the Institute’s perspective. But it just wasn't for us.
I am glad for the experience and the network I was able to build while in the program, and I might recommend it to the next person, but for now, I feel more comfortable growing my way. So that brings an end to the FI saga of my life. Next up?
Well, we'll just have to see, won't we?