Subscriptions Again

Hi Everyone,
So back in June last year (2013), I announced that I was changing my subscription system and existing users would need to confirm their subscriptions via email. Those who didn't would no longer receive automated emails. In doing this, my hope was to allow the readers who may have lost interest to quietly disappear.
However, I recently found out that at least one person simply forgot to re-subscribe, and that with the new system, if you never responded to the first email, you won't get a second email if you try to register again with the same email address - and that just sucks. So, I've decided to reactivate the old subscription system in-tandem with the new one.
This means that for some of you, this will be the first email from us you have received since June! (and a lot has happened since then). It also means that those of you who may be registered in both systems may receive 2 emails instead of one, and those who didn't want to receive emails anymore will now need to contact me and explicitly say so - so that I can remove you from the mailing list.
Thus, if you fall into any of the affected categories of subscribers, I apologize for the inconvenience... and if you'd rather receive emails from the new system as opposed to the old one, please re-subscribe with a different email address using the form in the sidebar on the right.