The Anatomy of a Woman

The other play I got to see at Terra Kulture was The Anatomy of a Woman by Wole Oguntokun. First off, let me just say that I personally liked this play a lot more than The Cost of Living. The set was fuller, the cast was larger, the characters were more unique, and the laugh value was higher.
The play addresses the complex topic of What Women Want - like that movie with Mel Gibson, and provides a straightforward yet equally complex answer. "Women want to be, what they want to be".
It's funny, I don't even remember the name of the woman who starred as the central character because she seemed to mainly be the pivot around which all the other more colourful characters rotated. Like my favourite Aunty Jebba... who believes women want money and comfort; Mohammed... who is more interested in what he wants than anything any woman may care about, and my other favourite "Inconsequential!" whose name I can't recall but remember him by his catch phrase.
I really enjoyed the show. It came with plenty of laughs, and many memorable scenes. If you are in Lagos, I highly recommend that you go and watch it at Terra Kulture the next time it is performed.