Vinland Saga
This saga follows the journey of a young Viking, born far away from war, who ends up living as a mercenary pursuing revenge over the murder of his father.
So I just finished watching the second season of an anime called Vinland Saga and immediately thought I should recommend it to you folks. The saga follows the journey of a young Viking, born far away from war, who ends up living as a mercenary pursuing revenge over the murder of his father.
The man who killed his father, however, sees potential in him and takes him in as an understudy while granting him the right to "a deathmatch" as payment for his mercenary work. In this way, the young boy Thorfinn grows into a formidable warrior himself whilst pursuing his revenge.
As the first season chronicles Thorfinn's journey with Askeladd (the man who killed his father), we are introduced to a time in history when the world powers were fighting for domination, and the Vikings were right smack in the middle of it. The season ends on a cliffhanger, but the next doesn't quite continue from where the first left off.
In fact, I was a bit confused during the first few episodes of season 2. But not to worry, we eventually get back to Thorfinn and his life. I can't say too much about season 2 without giving away spoilers from season 1 so I won't delve into it. But suffice it to say, Thorfinn's story in season 2 is no less splendid. The season also comes to a nice heartwarming end this time, leaving no cliffs hanging. I really enjoyed season 2, and I recommend that you watch all seasons to fully enjoy the story.