1 min read

Year End Review

Year End Review

At least once every year I make sure to do a review of all my projects. I fix things that I'd been meaning to fix, add things that I've been meaning to add, and change things that I've been meaning to change. For those of you who've been around long enough, you've seen the blog and newsletter transform each year into what they are today, and hopefully you agree they've been improving.

But this year, as I was reviewing my personal website (mabogunje.net), I realised something wonderful: that now, between my:

...it had become mostly obsolete! So when next you stop by my website, you will find a landing page that directs you to the appropriate profile for your search... and that's good news because it means less work for me. So stop by and check it out. Feel free to leave a comment in the guestbook with what you think.

Speaking of year end reviews, We're owing you all a special edition for 2012. A whole 9 yards special like we did in 2011. Not sure when I'll be done with it, but I've already picked out the pieces. So that's something to look forward to.