A Deviant Artist

Some of you may already be familiar with deviantArt.com and what it's for, but for the rest, let me give you a brief introduction.
deviantArt was created to entertain, inspire, and empower the artist in all of us. Founded in August 2000, deviantArt is the largest social network for artists and art enthusiasts with over 24 million registered members, attracting 65 million unique visitors per month.
I only just recently started actively using my dA account (which I've had for over a year now), and the more I use it the more I fall in love with it! So I decided to host all my art on there instead of on my website.
The ability to get instant feedback on your creations from people all over the world is something that I think is indispensable for any artist, not to mention the constant interaction with other artists like yourself. Personally, I've become so addicted, that it's rivalling Facebook for the top position.
For those of you who are fans of The Red String, The Duet, or maybe you've read some of my works in progress (like Bloodlust, this is great news! Because you no longer have to wait till the next time I publish to see my poems, or when I finally finish to read my works in progress!
They will all be made available publicly as I create them (and if you are a member of deviantArt, you can like, comment, and even download copies for yourselves. Truly I don't think I can give my fans a better Christmas gift than that.
On that note, my birthday was this November! Thanks to all who sent me messages both here and elsewhere. I really appreciated it. For my gift to myself, I decided to get a 2yr paid membership to deviantArt. It was a 2 for 1 deal, so at the very least you'll be able to follow my artistic growth for the next 23 months. Isn't that great?