Choosing My Way to Fulfilment
Life is a series of choices; and over the last 2 years, what I've learnt more than anything, is that those choices matter. How you spend your time matters. Whether it be work time, play time, or free time. When you choose to do one thing, you are automatically choosing not to do, a myriad other things. So the thing you've chosen to do should matter to you.
Towards the end of 2019, I held a Strategy Session with my mum (or more like, she facilitated a Strategy Session for me). This session helped me immensely in setting the direction of my life. I created a 4-year Strategic Plan and a 1-Year action plan that listed amongst other things my goals for personal development over the time periods.

When COVID struck, I was happy to report that the pandemic held no sway over my plans, as you will see in the article above. But it did affect my timelines. Things that I thought would take a few months, ended up taking half the year, or even a whole year, because everybody (including myself) had to adapt to the new situation.
N.B I may also just be blaming COVID for my poor time estimates 😏
Nevertheless, I had made my plans, and now I had to see them through. Seeing them through was supposed to be the hard part, but I found that with my direction set, each set of options were already halfway filtered. Each decision was already halfway made, and each choice already halfway chosen. All I needed to do was commit, and execute.
This is how I was able to get certified with one of the biggest email marketing providers, MailChimp; Get trained by one of the pioneers of Inbound Marketing in Social Media Marketing. And get certified by the all-knowing Google as a Data Analyst
All these achievements were driven by one thing: That Strategy Session all those moons ago. I am grateful to my mother for her guidance, but most of all, I am grateful for the lesson that my choices matter. Now, as I set foot into the next phase of my life, with all my new skills in hand, I know to choose wisely. For:
It is your choices and decisions that determine your destiny
- Roy T. Bennet