String Summaries of 2010
In Computer Science, a string is a linear sequence of characters, symbols, words, or units that is treated as a unit. As a programmer, you find that the most common usage of this term is in reference to a sentence; Most often sentences your program is meant to display.
As such, the title of this section to me is both a pun and a definition. You need not understand or appreciate the pun to understand what you will find here. Essentially this is a list of lessons learnt in 2010 in form of simple strings - One line sentences or phrases. You will also find that I tag the teachers of these lessons.
In 2010, I learnt that:
- There is no misery where there is positivity. @Inertia
- I value my friends both inside and outside of disagreement. @Zummy
- Although leadership is "to lead", knowing when to stop leading is - to be a leader. @DASA
- Relationships founded in honesty and truth can end indeed, but they cannot end in disaster. @Chidi
- A small team of talented and dedicated people will always achieve, even in the midst of setbacks. @Team Sekai
- We cannot get along with everyone, but we can get beyond our differences. @Solomon
- Though love is neither an ability nor a skill, it takes practice to love unconditionally. @Martha
- Failing does not mean one is a failure. It means one is still learning. @Myself
- I hate explaining myself because my thoughts are profound. @Myself
- Family can always be depended on. @The Mabogunje's
- To count my blessings, is to count to infinity. @My Life
- I am a Fire Rabbit. @Princess
- Creativity is not about success, but the joy and fulfillment of creating. @TRS
- Programming is like writing an essay in the language of logic. @Joe
- I am often irritated but hardly angry because most things are not deserving of my anger. @Myself
- Desire is one of the most difficult emotions to assuage. @Myself
JavaScript is ridiculously easy. @Ekene Arinze - Studies do not require that you learn, but learning requires that you study. @Drexel
- I love technology. @Deji
- Being a romantic to me means doing small but intimate things. @Nnamdi
- The Red String is fantastic! @TRS
Feel free to use any string here as your status on your social network of choice in 2011. Especially the very last one 😉 Just append - "The Red String" if you do.