1 min read

I've Fallen Behind

Dear readers, I apologise for my silence last month. The truth is, I have fallen behind on my routine hobbies...
I've Fallen Behind
Photo by Bruce Christianson / Unsplash

Dear readers,
I apologise for my silence last month. The truth is, I have fallen behind on my routine hobbies, namely:

  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Watching Anime and
  4. Bible Study

So when the end of the month came, there was nothing to share! Thankfully, however, I can't say that the month was all work and no play. I did read a little bit and watch some anime, I just didn't sit down to write about my takeaways.

Therefore next month, I plan to dedicate more time to my Bible study which I've truly truly fallen behind on. I have a whole 2 months to make up for AND I'm supposed to be going on holiday soon.

That being the case, I expect some good content about my trip and about my Christian journey to be hitting your inboxes at the end of August. I hope it gets us all back on the same page. In the meantime, enjoy my latest poem inspired by this period of "falling behind."

I’ve Fallen Behind Again by Mabogunje on DeviantArt