A Yard of Leisure

I didn't do much traveling in 2012. But it seems I did a bit of everything I find interesting. There was some reading, some writing, some volunteering, and yeah some (though not much), travelling.
So read on, for a glimpse at my version, of chilling out.
- At the beginning of the year (actually towards the end of 2011), I finally went to visit the Philadelphia Zoo. Having already lived in this city so many years, you would think I'd have been by now. But no, this was my first time, and in my article of the same name, I tell you all about it.
- November! The month of the Scorpio, my birth month, and apparently also the national novel-writing month in the United States! Did you know about NanoWriMo? I ask in shock as I tell you all about it in my somewhat rhetorical article.
- The altruistic bones in my body began to tingle when I heard about the REACH for College program. So I volunteered there, and came back with some stellar advice. In A Sickler's Advice, I tell you just why there's no need to stress when sending your sickler off to college.
- We can't live with 'em, and surely not without 'em. I speak of the opposite sex my friend. Of men, and women, and relationships that don't work. Well this year, I decided to get expert advice and read some books about it all. So be ready to buy the same, after reading my article Couple's Councelling, and the related book reviews.